Thursday, March 5, 2009


I love my friends.

Some peoples opinion is that it's better to have only a few friends but really close.


I have close friends! My boyfriend for example. Is my best friend without a doubt.
But I also have other friends I barely see, have next to never hung out with but they're still friends. how does that work? I figured it all out the other day...

Two years ago I was invited to sit in the 'back seat' of the school bus. Oooohhhh yes. that's the cool seat. I didn't know any of the people and I was half asleep like most mornings on the bus. but they wanted me there because i was 6 former and they didn't want juniors stealing the good seat.

Pascoe was seventh form. He bullied me most mornings down in the back seat, in a fun loving kind of way though (I hope) and couldn't stand that I ignored it! I never said anything. Just smiled and laughed at him.

Until one morning I had coffee with breakfast.
He started his usual mean routine...

"Hey Ginga, you're looking extra bright today"

"You know what your problem is Pascoe? You're so bloody insecure you've got to take the piss out of everyone else. I know you don't like your nose and your teeth are screwed up but i don't care about all that. I think you could be a genuinely nice guy if you tried".

And with that I put on my head phones and smiled out the window for the rest of the trip.

well it worked. Next day he started talking to me like a nice little human.

And I still didn't have to talk much in my zombiesh, half awake state. He talked, I said

"Yeah... yup... I know.... really?"

And on the last day of school we said "bye and have a good life" as I got off the bus.

Two years later I bumped into him at the national rowing championships at Lake Ruataniwha (That's two giant eels in Maori). I didn't even know he rowed! and it was his whole life!

There was no emotional hug or long catch up. Just a well meaning

"Hey Pascoe. what's with the beard?"

"Makes me look manly".

and that was it.

Then my car broke down. :( My poor baby. I love my car.

All i had to say was literally

"Help me"

and Pascoe sorted out everything. He walked the few Kilometres to my car with me, stuck his hands in the greasy motor, well the wheel. Told me in 'easy to understand talk' exactly what was wrong and how much it would cost to fix.

Well that was nice of him!

But there's more!

I left my car there at the lake, five hours from home and hitched a ride with Evan (National Rowing Gold medallist!!!).

Two days later Pascoe calls me. How in the hang did he get my number?
Turns out he's sorted out everything. And i mean EVERYTHING. My whole worlds problems.

He got me a super cheap deal for towing my car and getting it fixed!
some friends come along by chance and without a doubt are just angels!
There's your proof you bastardly, cynical evolutionists!

I know my boyfriend is planning something... it's my 18Th birthday tomorrow and he's been sneaking around all week! I'm so suspicious! He's my...

I started work today at the apple orchard. My boss is amazing! Annabelle! she only eats organic food and she's lovely and caring and offers me tea and never raises her voice and her husband just plain makes you smile.


I love my car. I love my angels :)

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